You just walked by some things that looked a lot like gopher holes. Unfortunately, they weren't. Slimes ooze out of them, bubbling and hissing merrily.
This hotel room looks like it has been lived in for some time. Robes hang neatly on the wall, knick-knacks cover the dresser, and the bed is unmade.
You have just broken into someone's house. Much to your relief, no alarms sound, and nobody attacks you. This is not something you should count on in other towns, however ...
This house has been abandoned for some time. Dust covers every surface, and there are spider webs everywhere. Odd ... the webs are a bit thicker than you might have expected.
Curse those magical traps! When you pick up the pouch, a loud shriek echoes through the town. Worse, you hear an ominous click from the secret door you came through. Nearby, guards emit bloodthirsty shrieks. Uh oh.
When you pass through the gate, you are attacked by a cloud of dust. It assails your eyes and lungs, gets caught in your armor, and makes the inside of your mouth taste like mud. Piles of ore are scattered everywhere, and the air is gray.
Welcome to Pergies, mining capital of Krizsan Province. You can hardly wait to leave.
This is a storeroom for processed ore. Crates and barrels of charred rock wait to be dealt with, probably by one of the smelters outside of town.
The walls of this village are pitted and crumbled, and none of the buildings inside are left standing. The land is dead. The slimes must have overwhelmed this town at last. The stench of death hangs heavy in the air.
You see a skeleton, perfectly cleaned of flesh. It may be the remains of the house's owner.
It looks like the slimes slipped inside this house somehow. The results weren't pretty. Everything is covered with slime and decaying.
You enter the house, and see a woman and her child, sitting down to a very meager meal. They are emaciated. Your entrance first terrifies, then angers them. They scream at you to leave, and you comply.
This room is just plain odd. First, it's strange that the stable has a secret room in it, and that it's in perfect condition. Second, the walls are completely new, and have a strange, waxy feeling to them. The floor has marble tiles. Bizarre.
You find a spot where it looks like someone buried something recently. You dig, and find a box which has been smashed open. There's nothing here anymore.
Your gorge rises as you realize what is scuttling before you. It's a cockroach, but not an ordinary cockroach. It's huge, and filthy, and makes a constant hissing noise! Slimes are one thing. You can't imagine living someplace infested with these things!
At the end of the dock, a ship waits to take intrepid adventurers to far off lands. Unfortunately, you don't have a ticket. A sailor tells you to see Vok.
The trip is uneventful, except for a serious, wracking attack of seasickness. Years in Exile have left you very leery of voyages on the open sea. Eventually, mercifully, you arrive ...
The grizzled old ferryman takes your tickets and lets you on board. The boat ride is quick and uneventful. You arrive in Farport.
The ferry back to Farport and the Valorim mainland is docked here. Alas, you don't have a ticket. The sailors mock you.
This shrine is kept immaculately clean and neat, a sort of defiance of the filth and disorder that prevails in so many other places on the Isle of Bigail.
This house has been abandoned. The roaches have taken over. Cockroach droppings are everywhere, and a dried up cockroach husk, over 2 feet long (not counting the antenna), lies on the bed.
You open the top drawer of the dresser, and interrupt several cockroaches who were in the process of getting intimate. The creatures had compressed themselves to a remarkable extent to fit themselves in the drawer. They're much bigger now.
You take the boat ride to Sharimik. Then, when you get there, a band of soldiers meets you at the dock and forbids you to enter. Since the troops won't let you disembark, the people on the ship have no choice but to take you back.
This house was speedily abandoned. Everything is dusty and in disarray. After a few minutes, your keen adventurer's senses pick up the very faint smell of death and decay.
You find a hidden crawl space, filled with human skeletons. You can't tell who they were, or how they died. However, some of the scraps of clothing look like the loose garb sailors tend to wear. Whoever the killer was, he, she, or it is gone now.
A crude, low wall runs along the north end of town, defended by alert guards. They are still in the process of building walls to the east and west. The wall looks newly built - the town must have been attacked.
You take the boat across to the Isle of Bigail. The sailors seem glad to get work. Before long, you arrive in the mighty city of Shayder.